Support the Crew

We’ve got hope and experience on our side, but we’ll need support from our community to become the organization we’d like to be. If you believe in our mission, feel connected to our roots, or are a member of our community, please consider supporting us. Give what you can to help us to continue the tradition of White Mountain trail building.

TFC, LLC is not a 501c3 charitable organization, and thus cannot offer tax-deductible donations.

Do you have something you think we might need? We’re also accepting non-monetary donations! Below are specific items we’re looking for.

  • Vehicles are some of the biggest ticket items for us to purchase before we’re operational, and they’re critical for our success in our first year. If you have a vehicle you’re ready to part with or that you’d consider donating, please get in touch!

    Contact us about vehicle donation.

  • Our second largest expense before our season begins will be our tools. You’re welcome and encouraged to donate tools in any condition – if you know us, you know that we love working on our tools. If you have tools that you’d consider donating, please get in touch! We’re happy to send you our list of what we need.

    Contact us about tool donation.

 Your support makes all the difference.

Help us succeed!
  • A Gift of $50:

    Helps one of our crewmembers buy some of the specialized hand tools they’ll need to craft a backcountry staircase, like shaping hammers.

  • A Gift of $150:

    Supplies the crew with a season’s worth of hickory axe handles, or pays for a season’s repair bill on a trailworker’s Limmer work boots

  • A Gift of $500:

    Can house or feed one crew for a week, purchase a complete used set of hand tools, or buy a full set of chainsaw protective equipment.