Our Story.

White Mountain trails stretch back to the time when the axe loggers of a fading era taught their skills to a new group of woods workers. The trailbuilders of the White Mountains have witnessed the landscape of these mountains rebound from cut-over burn scars to a rich wilderness. What was once logged-over private land became the White Mountain National Forest. Recreational trail use has increased exponentially, as has the work required to develop and maintain sustainable trails. We’ve watched these byways turn from small footpaths into pedestrian highways, carrying millions of visitors every year. Backcountry trailwork has evolved from brush trimming and shelter construction to heavy-duty stone and timber reconstruction and routine clearing maintenance. We now focus on mitigating erosional problems due to high use and severe weather events.

Our crew is drawn from this history. Our craftspeople learned from professional crews across the region: Appalachian Mountain Club, Randolf Mountain Club, Adirondack Mountain Club, Student Conservation Association, Maine Appalachian Trail Club, National Parks Service, and Peter S. Jensen & Associates. In 2021, we came together with the dream of creating a trail crew run by trailbuilders. We believe that trailbuilders and communities touched by our organization deserve to be a part of the decisions that impact them. The Trail Fixing Collective, LLC is a 100% worker-owned cooperative founded on the principles of collective governance. We hope to be here for the next century of evolution and change, balanced by tradition and knowledge.


Are you old TFC?

Part of our mission is to ensure that our traditions of skill, excellence, and storytelling are passed on to the next generation of TFC. You can help us to ensure that the gifts this crew gave you are inherited by the next generation of trail workers. Your experience and feedback is more than welcome: you’ve brought us this far, and we’ll continue to rely on your guidance and counsel going forward. Help us pay it forward.