Book our crew.

  • Consultation

    We provide consulting services to land managers and stewards looking to plan the future of their trail network. If you have eroding or deteriorating trails, you’d like to make a management plan for your trail network, or are looking for guidance with new or relocated trail design, reach out and we’ll be glad to assist you in planning the future you envision for your trails.

  • Contracted Crews

    Contracted crews accomplish our maintenance, new trail construction, and reconstruction work. We supply 2-6 craftspeople on a per-week, per-project, or per-mile basis, scalable to your needs and budget. Contracted crews bring years of experience in timber and stone reconstruction and well as new trail design and construction. They are self-sufficient and fully supported.

  • Subcontracted Crews

    Need help? For organizations looking for guidance or assistance in completing contracted work without additional hiring, we can provide a crew of experienced trailbuilders to help you meet project goals. We can integrate with volunteer, Americorps or professional crews and both private and non-profit organizations. This option is ideal for complex projects where experienced guidance makes the difference.